If you're a Cocos2D developer and you're not yet using Kobold2D, here's some advice: start using Kobold2D.
I made a really basic template that I believe can be used as a foundation for most games. I do plan on extending it for specific genres of games, but that won't be anytime soon.
This template has three layers, a game layer which is the root layer for the app. An input layer which manages motion and touch data. And a background layer which draws the games background, in the template it's just a maroon fill on the screen. I've also put a player class which inherits from CCSprite and displays my programming coffee cup...rotating obviously. The default code lets you move the cup with motion events, or by using the pan gesture. You can easily remove the player class, or change it to inherit from CCNode if you so wish.
Nothing groundbreaking, just a simple start beyond the 'Empty Project' template. All variations of the different input and motion types are tested for, however in the template most of them are not implemented, but it's ready for your code, and what you don't need you can comment out or delete.
Here it is:
Download _Empty-Game-Template_
Unzip this file to "Kobold2D-*version*/_Kobold2d_/templates/project/"
You can then access it easily from the Kobold2D project starter.
There's no copyright, attribution rights or any other nonsense. It will only save you 30 minutes but a good 30 minutes. Enjoy!
thanks a lot for this! Really helpful :-)
Posted by: Dkl_avt | 01/29/2012 at 01:58 PM
Cheers, you're welcome:)
Posted by: Graham Hayes | 01/29/2012 at 07:01 PM
thanks, it's very good for beginner like me ^_^
Posted by: Cothly | 03/09/2012 at 09:25 AM